

【工業電腦平台】嵌入式鋁擠準系統 / 適合自動控制、交通運輸、倉儲物流...等產業應用.
揚森科技成立於2009年,專營工業 / 產業電腦領域設計、製造、銷售,同時為海、內外客戶產品進行ODM、OEM...等量身訂做服務.

Founded in 2009, Wiingtech has focused herself towards a high-technology scope that brings company value through the state-of-the-art. For the past years, continuous leading product development and revenue growth have made Wiingtech a major Mission-Critical Application Platform Provider in the world. The in-house design of industrial computers and application platforms by Wiingtech has also been targeted to meet our customer needs for flexibility.


Wiingtech, Inc.,a community of communications and embedded developers and solution providers, Communication Appliances along with a full range of Industrial Platform Service (Industrial Computer, Embedded Computing, Digital Security, Peripheral), Communication Appliance Service, Vertical Market Service(Gaming), Panel PC(IP65) . With streamline access to the latest Intel technology, we paved the way with the broadest array of building blocks, delivering cutting-edge solutions to meet and even exceed the demanding needs of the ever-changing telecommunication, medical electronics, and industrial automation, defense and life automation markets.
【工業電腦平台】6 port GbE 高效能低單價網路設備 / 適用於中小型企業IPPBX, IP Call Center, 網路撥放...等應用